If you need new A body parts, buy them NOW - the Corona Virus

hyperbole. That’s funny coming from someone who wished another member died from this virus because he disagreed with you.

The only one getting emotional in this discussion is you. As for your attempt at insulting comments, I’m not offended, so you failed there.

Yes. I was referring to MY hyperbolic statement....which obviously did offend you (dude, you called me a Nazi over it).
Obviously, nobody is wishing anyone would actually die here. The reply was written out of sheer frustration over how stupid people can be when the health of others is at stake.

The will to interpret unpleasant information in a way that makes the world seem hospitable to their preconceived opinions is a loathsome trait.

However, I do think it just speaks volumes into your lack of having a rational discussion on an issue where there are differing opinions. Especially when all I have been stating is to stay calm and not panic. Which from the way all your posts read, that’s exactly what you are not doing. We get it, you’re scared of coronavirus. Nothing wrong with that. spreading more panic is exactly what shouldn’t be happening though. Stay calm, wash your hands and this too shall pass.

You don't get it. OPINIONS have nothing to do with it. That comment alone proves that you have no right to use the term "rational" discussion.

I agree. Panic is not the right response to this but your "fingers in the ears" approach is evidence of the wrong response to fear...it's maybe only one notch better than all out panic.
Taking this seriously is the right response. Many people on this forum are in their 60s and 70s. While younger people like us will experience mild flu like symptoms or even something like a common cold, this virus is a serious threat many of us in this community.

This is not World War Z. Society isn't going to collapse from this but this is already slamming the economy. How many people we lose needlessly and how much damage will this do in the 12-18 months until a vaccine is ready depends on the scientific literacy of the population.

Personally, I'm hoping that like the flu, the summer weather disrupts the spread and that this dies off... but there's absolutely no rational reason to rely on this...we still need to take precautions and understand how these things work in order to minimize suffering.