Welding woes...frustrating!!

I have only done it with Gas... You guys knows this stuff way more than I do. I used the method on less than stellar material also...

I have not read all the thread however if he is having a hard time seeing the puddle that's a huge problem. I am average at best but saw the Puddle when I first struck an Arc welding and the guy I got my Mig from said that was the most important thing....

It's not that I cant see the puddle I just have a hard time moving it in relation to where I need to be haha. Now before on page 1 I wasnt seeing the bead because it was nonexistent after I got rid of the cord it was night and day. I had to do some tack welds on my truck today I broke a bolt off in the axle housing removing the cad cover so I threaded a nut on the remainder of the bolt and tac welded the nut to the bolt. I had to use the extension cord for that and just the tac weld done fine its just not getting enough amps to run a bead. I'm gonna buy a 20 foot 10 gauge and try that and see if it improves. I'm gonna get some more scrap and keep practicing hopefully next week I can weld my dart axle housing back together.