How Do I Fix This

These cars were put together on an assembly line. With a quota to meet. Do you think these cats got the tape measure out with each one? Sure, if it was mine, I'd do some X measurements just to be sure it hasn't been hit and then poorly put back together at some point, but my bet is, this is a factory job. But to answer your question more directly, yes, it's my belief and experience that factory hung panels are not always a country mile sometimes.

Ok, that's all I was wondering. It's more probable that the panel is the issue, not the frame. The car drives down the road straight, so I never thought the frame was in question.
And yeah, you're 100% correct about the assembly lines of the 60's and 70's. "Tolerances" were more of a suggestion than a rule. Not that I'm slamming assembly workers in that period. It was just more acceptable, back then, to be a bit off.