How Do I Fix This

Is it your belief that there's a problem with how the factory hung the panels, or that the frame could be out of square? Seems to me that either may cause this.

It’s more likely that the panels are out, that’s absolutely true.

And if it were a 1/2” I’d chalk it up to factory tolerances and call it a day. But it’s not a 1/2”, or 3/4”, or even 1”.

It’s unlikely that the full 1.25” is in the quarter. There’s more going on. It’s probably a 1/2” here, a 1/4” there, etc, etc. But rather than just redneck it and hope for the best, it would be wise to figure it out before you just start moving metal because you can.

Factory tolerances were pretty loose, that’s absolutely true. A 1/4” this way or that is totally normal. But it’s fairly unusual to see the factory tolerances be more than a 1/2” out even on the body. And an 1” or more isn’t normal, even on these cars.

Maybe I’m wrong, I certainly have been before and I’m sure I will be again. But all it costs you is a few minutes with a tape measure to help narrow this down.

These cars were put together on an assembly line. With a quota to meet. Do you think these cats got the tape measure out with each one? Sure, if it was mine, I'd do some X measurements just to be sure it hasn't been hit and then poorly put back together at some point, but my bet is, this is a factory job. But to answer your question more directly, yes, it's my belief and experience that factory hung panels are not always a country mile sometimes.

Not by over an inch Rob. A 1/4”? All the time, as a rule, absolutely. A 1/2”? Yup, happens, not that weird. 1” ? Sorry, not common. Maybe possible if all the tolerances are at the max and they all stack up in the same direction, but that’s not normal anymore.

A full 1.25” one side to the other isn’t just factory tolerances. Hell, even if it IS just factory tolerances, it’s not all from the quarter panel.

And, even if it WAS all from the quarter, it wouldn’t matter. I’ve pushed and rolled my fenders for clearance. If you get more than a 1/2” without blowing the paint up you’re doing pretty damn good. 1” will hammer the bodywork and paint. Might be best to know for sure that’s the issue before you commit to repainting the quarter panel.