If you need new A body parts, buy them NOW - the Corona Virus

I look at it like this. All these issues were the worse thing to happen at that time. Mass hysteria fueled by the media wanting people to stay glued to the channel.

I'll take precautions but I'm not going to freak out and spend 24/7 worrying over it.

Damn right. Along those same lines, think of all of the idiots panicking about gravity and spend good money building railings! Lol. Losers. I've never fallen off of a balcony or down a flight of stairs. :D

Nobody is saying that it's time for panic or mass hysteria...but could it just be that because people took these past threats seriously, disaster was avoided?

Common flu kills 60K Americans a year. Covid-19 has killed 9. Not one mortality under 8 and IIRC there have been 2 under 18 years old worldwide. Falling off a ladder kills 300 a year in USA. Wash your hands often, dont touch your face and stay off ladders.

I don't disagree that some perspective can be helpful in grounding us in how worried we should be. This virus is a little different. There is a clear call to action with this virus that if not taken seriously, will do damage to our way of life...and it looks like people are not able to take this seriously...so buckle your seatbelt. Yes, use that awful ceiling mounted shoulder strap too...

1) Virtually NOBODY (as far as we know) has immunity to this virus. It's brand new. If you're exposed, you'll get it.

2) Elderly people and people with underlying health conditions are vastly more vulnerable to serious illness requiring a respirator, intensive/supportive care and/or death. Almost everyone is or at least know/care about people who fit the categories of highly vulnerable people.

3) Our healthcare infrastructure is not equipped to handle the projected number of people requiring this level of care. Our government is not organized enough to rapidly build hospitals the way that China did. Our society in the USA is not likely to tolerate being ordered to self quarantine, meaning that we don't have the same tools that China has been using to slow the spread, meaning that it could be much more persistent here.

4) This is already having significant economic impact. Flights are being stopped, supply chains are being disrupted, there's uncertainty in the market that is already wiping away all of the growth that we've seen over the past couple of years.