Help finding fusible link for 75 Duster

That’s it....firewall problems bypassed forever!
Actually not. Rick only bypasses the bulkhead connector for battery charging. All other power needs go through the original connector.
I wouldn't give any advice about modfications to a '75 without seeing the layout. It may already have wiring that splits feeds, somewhat like a '76 does.

Not sure but I think these terminals are what you need . Then use correct gauge fusible wire.
Packard 56 Series Connectors & Terminals
If its a flat connector, that may work. Sometimes the Packard 56 terminals and connectors will work and sometimes they are too tight or too loose when mated with Chrysler terminals, which are closest to Packard 58.

Need help finding a fusible link for my 75 Duster 360, thought I found one at NationalMoparts but it was for a 74 and the connectors are opposite to 75
fusible link is on the bulkhead
the fusible link goes into the bulkhead and then connects into a clawlike connector on the red
10 gauge wire,
this is the ( ce 3 ) fusible link in the 1975 body service manual(wiring diagrams)
rather lengthy description, but need to find that fusible link if it is out there.
Thanks for any help.

Dave if you can post a screenshot and/or photo of the link location on the car and/or the diagram, that would be helpful.
Every year is a little different and '75 is right about when additional feed wires and fusible links were being added. A lot of the later fusible links use a bullet type connector which has more contact area than the flat terminals.