"Go Pro" users...

But everything is in focus! Whats the f-stop on these? Hero-2 HD is fixed...must be high.

That's the thing, I like the "blurry background" look. I only have one fixed Neutral Density filter right now, don't even remember how many stops it is. But as luck would have it the thing fit on one of my lenses. I went out and shot some footage on my DSLR yesterday. Shot it in TV mode. 30 frames per second, shutter speed of 1/60. Without the ND filter the aperture was f/5.6 and up. Put the ND filter on, the aperture stayed at f/2.8ish. The only thing that was in focus was the dog that I was using as my subject. When she walked past the pump house she stayed in focus, the pump house was not....which made me keep my eyes on the pup. In the first video my eyes wandered around, looking at everything that was in focus.