Dual quads versus big hammer!!!...

So I'm seeing all this fuel flying and standing off. Especially when I jump on it at Cruise.. when I rev the car with the carburetors unhooked and do it with an individual carburetor the rear air door smack open. When I give the car full throttle at Cruise the doors just bobble and never smack open and I'm loosening the Springs to try and get them to pop open.. in that article where they're using two Street demons that seems to be the problem they were having as well. Again not only going leiner on the primaries I want to get those new doors hopefully tomorrow and start drilling them and seeing what happens when those doors actually do open when I slam the throttle???.. just out of curiosity I wondering if it's the opposite of what I'm thinking... it could quite possibly be the bottom opening up and letting the air and and the top staying closed and not letting air flow over the Ventura's and allowing more fuel to come in... Or maybe too much fuel is coming in and not enough air... Again they did mentioned in that article that they drill the holes because they couldn't get the doors to open no matter how light they made the springs.,