Dual quads versus big hammer!!!...

The final straw for drag races at Monroe was due to an air cleaner gasket getting sucked into the carb. It was drag racing on a 3/8mi oval, from turn 1 in the direction of turn 4. Guy made a pass without the air cleaner and the gasket got sucked in, hanging the throttle. That 100mph right hand turn in a drag car with a spool, skinny front tires, and a hung throttle wasn't something he could do. Went off the end of the track and hit a pile of dirt, then went all Dukes of Hazzard without sticking the landing.

Actually found that little circle gasket damn hard to find these days LOL I remember a few years back going to three or four different parts stores looking for one. Damn confused as I thought it should be dime a dozen type thing. Come to find out not too many people have four barrels on their new cars anymore LOL I'm very diligent about grabbing those off when I take the air cleaners off because they're "rare" LOL...