Tom Hanks has Coronavirus.

Well NBA suspended ALL games after a player tested +ve.
People can "laugh" at overreacting but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
My work is implementing BIG changes. I work in municipal government. Getting individual keyboards, splitting up the crews into smaller groups.

I worked at the USPS when the Anthrax disaster happened. The facility I was at had Biohazard Detection Devices installed on the first real pinch point of the AFCS, the machine that cancels stamps. Also had a vacuum system installed. The BDS was only set up to detect Anthrax. I talked to their rep on a daily basis, he told me that the BDS could be calibrated to check for damn near anything. And that it was calibrated to catch the slightest trace of Anthrax, an amount so small it was not hazardous to us. We had a few decontamination drills. The AFCS was setup so that it could not be started without the BDS running. I found out the hard way that Homeland Security closely monitored the BDS equipment. Sunday was the day the BDS was not serviced, no mail collection so no need to service them. We had all the chemicals to service them, and the maintenance crew was trained to service them. The head boss ordered me to fire up an AFCS on a Sunday. Homeland Security was there in under 10 minutes. Several of us got hauled off the work room floor and interrogated by Homeland Security and the FBI....that was fun.
The Post Office, prior to 9-11 and the Anthrax disaster used to have Public tours. Once the BDS gear was put in that stopped. When the news crew showed up for the annual Christmas report they were instructed to not show the BDS device on TV.

Better safe than sorry....could not agree more. So some sporting events got cancelled....ain't like the planet is going to stop spinning...