Doing my part to combat COVID-19

Covid spreads through lungs, you shouldn't get it by touching anything. just an FYI

Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research..

..The findings confirm that COVID-19 is spread simply through breathing, even without coughing, he said. They also challenge the idea that contact with contaminated surfaces is a primary means of spread, Osterholm said.

"Don't forget about hand washing, but at the same time we've got to get people to understand that if you don't want to get infected, you can't be in crowds," he said. "Social distancing is the most effective tool we have right now."

Just know what I read as I'm no expert. Perhaps others have stated that contamination through touch is fact? Maybe both...?

It is an emerging virus, so no one has studied covid-19 before now. However, everything currently out there is saying that it's being spread by droplets. Which means surface transmission is possible. The CDC is saying that's not likely to be the primary source of transmission. Not being the primary source of transmission is a lot different than saying you can't get it that way.

Coronavirus at a Glance: Infographic

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Transmission