Covid 19 / Coronavirus

I am in the group of taking it seriously, I have definite concerns for friends and relatives, particularly the elderly. What I can't take seriously is the strange behavior of people panicking and buying truckloads of toilet paper. I read an article earlier today that attempted to explain this type of behavior as an effort to take back some degree of control of their lives at a time when many feel like their lives are out of their own control. I don't wish anyone harm, and would be saddened at the loss of anyone l know.

I work in the service industry and that means I am in contact with many people on a daily basis, any of whom could potentially be a carrier of this virus, I still have to go to work every day and am not about to change how I go about doing my job, if that means I get sick, so be it. I've never been one to worry about what might happen, I deal with whatever comes

I am of the opinion that the news media and social media have played a large role in driving the fear factor in the general public. While I understand and agree that it's important to be informed, it seems at times that there are conflicting stories and ideals. The actions we have seen thus far in attempting to slow or stop the continued spread of this pandemic, including banning any large gatherings, will not be proven in the short term, but I think all we can do is be patient and not allow the panic to become the norm.

I have stated elsewhere on the forum that I feel most for those who are being forced into unemployment as a result of the myriad of closures, all the support staff involved in any sporting venues, travel staff, like airline employees and hotel staff, cruise ship staff, and all of those who are self quarantined. Of course I am also sympathetic to those who have lost loved ones or become ill themselves.
The stock market turbulence is going to have a huge effect on the global economy, signs are pointing to a deep recession that few of us will not be affected by. The experts I read predict that the markets will rebound, and likely make bigger gains in the long term, but those of us whose retirement funds have been or are going to be decimated in the immediate, and are close to the age of retirement have to be concerned how much we stand to lose and how we move forward.

All any of us can do is wait to see how things progress and hope for the best possible scenario, that the research scientists are able to find a cure or vaccine for this illness as quickly as possible.

Be well.