Working out the Kinks of a Fresh Engine

Thanks for all the help guys. So I may have cheated and swapped a carb to a known working 1406, just so we aren't fiddling anymore. Eliminated the spacer as well.

Fill the bowls and away she went!

Got the timing to about 30* @ 2000 all in, varying the RPM. I have a roller cam so it was mostly about getting those piston rings to seat, making sure the engine can get up to temp without blowing gaskets. Besides a loose rocker shaft (oopps! We caught it very quickly), it got up to 195* and held there. There's one water pump bolt leaking , just needs new sealant as we had to remove it once. I'll have to go through the 1405 and see what is going on with it, check the throttle bushing and double check stuff like the needle and seat. But it seems to like the 1406, may just keep it on there for a little bit. Now to hook up the rest of the exhaust and linkage, and fine tune the engine before taking the Dart out the first time as a V8 car.