Gatornationals pro classes canceled

This has been chewing on me for a couple of days.....

You are correct that it is one of the many cases of natural selection though you need to stop and think for a moment...many of the people dying have already made their contribution to the gene pool, not lots of 60 year old new Mom's, nor 60 year old new Dad's; so there is nothing in the realm of natural selection going on here, just people dying.

It also raises the question of how would you feel about being "selected" out? It's a possibility, just gotta hope you are genetically fit!
I will concede on the exact definition of natural selection but to me it sounded allot better than only the old/weak are dying, I have to much respect for my elders to call them weak. I worry about death less and less the older I get, its simply a waste of time. I can get hit by a bus, die of cancer, get alzheimer's, my wife has serious heath issues but no matter how we go it is inevitable we will all die. I would rather we have the opportunity to live live as we all see fit. Its my opinion that if the government and society targeted those at high risk with education and protection (the latter for those to old to care for themselves) we would be in a much better situation right now. Instead we have grocery store shelves empty, the economy losing millions of dollars a day and the majority don't even know the facts of this virus and how it will affect them.