Excessive (isolated) 273 Adjustable Rocker Arm Tip Wear: Diagnosis & Repair?

Being the fact that blocked rocker arm is the only one that screwed up the tip (and I am sure of the valve stem tip also) I am pretty much sold on the benefits of that little oil duct.

I have two other complete sets that were overhauled by Rocker Arms Unlimited but I am saving those for my 340 projects. This old rusty '65 convertible I am just trying to get running and moving again. (see foto)

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If you want the oil hole you can just get it close to the other holes, center punch it and drill it out.

It's hard to tell but it looks like the rockers in the pictures have wear in the upper part of the rocker. There shouldn't be any load on the top side of the shaft.

Looks a bit weird.