Anyone here know woodworking?

Sounds like a good start.
I assume by saw to use with the miter box you mean a back saw.
When I wrote stop, I mean the raised section of the bench rest that keeps the woodwork from moving.
Hold the wood against the stop.
The bench dog is another type of stop.

I don't use depth stops for saw work and wouldn't recommend that.
Use a marking gage to strike a line on both sides. Then saw to that depth. More on this in a bit.

So to be complete we could add measuring and marking tools - which you may already have. Try or combination square and marking gage.

here's two marking gages. They are not critical but handy. You could also layout the depth with a adjustble combination square, or other means.

These are some bench chisels I take into the field and will use on old material that may have nails hidden. I still hate chipping 'em. Bought a Little Wizard metal detector to reduce the number of times this happens. You wont have that issue building new.

Bought these last year to fill in two sizes I didn't have. Exact widths can save time when making mortices. But the reason I show them is as examples of longer length blades.