Bullheaded wife/Covid

Of course spit can transmit the virus. That's not what I said. But just keeping spit out doesn't protect you from infection, which you apparently still don't understand. If infected spit got on your non-N95 mask, you'd still get the disease just by breathing through your mask. So, totally ineffective. The only use a non-N95 mask serves is on the infected person, to keep them from aerosolizing droplets around them in large numbers.

No, the info about contact is not wrong. If someone coughs on a surface and then you touch that surface and then touch your face, eyes, mouth etc it can be a route for transmission. But even the CDC says that surface transmission is not the primary method of spread. Can it be spread that way? Yes, so practice hand washing and not touching your face with unwashed hands. But droplet transmission is primary, and droplets can be microscopic.

Yes, there is misinformation on this topic everywhere, including right here. Go to the CDC website. Go to Johns Hopkins. Listen to them. A ton of the information out there right now is total BS. I'm not an expert by any means. I have training and knowledge above the level of the "general public", but that's about it. I know how masks work because I've been trained and fit tested and have to practice using them, so I'm familiar with what they can and can't do and understand why my protocols and procedures are what they are. Get the information from the experts. You don't know more than them, you don't know better.

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Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

I don’t know more than the CDC. I don’t disagree with their info either. My point is that we are trying to prevent spread. They say right in there that “droplets could land on your nose or in your mouth”. So to me preventing the droplets might be a good attempt. Also they say if you are sick wear a mask. Ok. We don’t know who is and isn’t carrying. I read that the majority of unknown carriers are 30ish years old. They don’t get as ill so they don’t think they are a problem. However they are transmitters. I think everything we are doing now is about trying to prevent the spread. There is no stopping it.
Yes I agree in a few weeks we will be hearing about medical professionals choosing the ones who will live and who will die.
But it won’t be because I wore a mask in public if I go out.
It will be because of the arrogance of the North American public.