How to build a 1968 Super Stock Dart?

How exact of a copy do you want? An EXACT copy, as shipped can be difficult and pretty expensive as specialized pieces may be unobtainable or simply be too difficult to reproduce to make it worthwhile. I've done 3 cars--- an exact repo, a class legal yet street-legal S/S, big-tire care and my current car, a combo of the two. Personally I liked my first one. Wish I had it back. If you can find it, I'd suggest getting a copy of the "Authentication Guide to 1968 Dart & Barracuda Hemi Superstock" by Jim Schild. That or look up "S/S and AFX" here in Arizona. Craig Fernald has been building clones for others for years & sells some of the hard-to-find parts. He's pricey but good and has even figured a way to put AC in them. That part isn't anywhere near accurate but is a good creature comfort. Of course you could always PM a member here like myself & I'm sure they'd be happy to guide you through. Good Luck!