Drag Truck Part 2 "blackmark redemption"

Do your research, quote me where I said it was a fact you didn't have a 12 second time slip or stop making stuff up.. no this is about your non-truths, alluding to stuff that never happened...(better than 12)...
And besides that your 12 second time slip was about to cheesiest attempt to post a time slip I've ever seen..
How many times have you stated "ET slip or it never happened... you'd post it if you had it.... blah blah". I will share this one FACT, and this doesn't include paint, rims, or any cosmetics. It cost you 4 times as much on a engine to go the same ET as me. If I spend 1500, you need to spend 6000 to run with me. That IS a fact :D
Now, for the 3rd Time, Back to the DRaG TRucK :)