cam specs dont match when degreed

An easy thing to remember is, the total for the intake/exhaust c/l will always add up to the same number....... no matter where you put it.

Cam card says 106/114=220

You got basically 103/117, also equals 220.

Lsa is int c/l + ex c/l divided by 2.

If you don’t have a 9 way timing set, you’ll likely need to get some offset cam keys to get the cam closer to where you want it.

As was already mentioned, on a non-symmetrical lobe...... the open/close timing points won’t agree with the “centerline” method for determining installed position.
The open/close method is technically more correct, but since the lifter is moving less per degree of rotation at that point of the lobe, it’s easier to be off with the measurements.
It’s a mathematical mid-point, not necessarily the middle of the peak of the lobe.
On a symmetrical lobe, the open/close points and c/l would agree with each other.

That is a good point ! I never considered that ....
My Oregon cam came out 1.5* off when I checked all the events . Maybe that is why ?