Need Help Correcting a Very Bad Habit

Learn to say something else

One of my Dad's cousins replaced curse words and phrases with other phrases. My favorite was "Cheese and crackers!", with the usual emphasis and gusto. I can still hear him say it, although he is long gone.

Chicken duck rooster goat. Words my buddy uses in place of the bad words.
I talk to myself a lot,you know, mental notes. More like a mental novel.
Swearing at myself? Yup. There are times. Only certain word work. Like when i had a boat trailer on the hoist and forgot. Clocked myself on the prop. Nearly knocked myself unconscious. I dont think i used any nasty words. But punch something when a wrench slips? You bet.

It's very difficult to stop a thought pattern that originates in the subconscious. The best way is not to stop but to replace.
It's like trying to pour the air out of a cup. Doesn't work. Pour in clean fresh water and the air is displaced.
The Bible tells us to think about things that are right and good and pure. Same principle. Think about these things and the bad thoughts are displaced.