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just a historical note on Crane of that vintage from a current speed talk thread

Harvey {Crane}came to our shop in the 80's in his motorhome, trying to sell/Lease us his software.
I think he had it on a 286 with a math co-processor.
I sat there while ho showed me how it worked.
He started with a basic lifter motion curve, then said, if you want to make it bigger at .200", you do this. If you want to make it smaller at .020", you do this. If you want to lower the max velocity, you do this.
Being the 20 year old that I was, I said, what do you do, to make it the correct curve for the application?
The look on his face changed instantly.
I then told him, using the parameters of the engine, we design the optimum valve lift curve for each application.
He angrily told me, you can't do that. He then drove off, and never talked to me again.
I've been "Can't doing that" for 35 years since.