Perhaps I have nothing to worry about??

Plaquenil It’s for treatment of malaria. It only helps shorten the length of time you’re sick. Nothing else. If you do not take this as prescribed, this drug can be lethal.

I am pretty sure growing up in Jersey I was exposed to things far more lethal than this virus lol....hell, I worked in a check printer for 8 or so years. Worked around lead dust/molten lead. Had lead poisoning at least a dozen times. I used to go off roading in this pit in southern Jersey. My now ex-wife was watching the news one night and called me to the TV...."hey look, we are on the news"....that segment of the news was about how this pit was an illegal nuclear dump site....that had "dangerously" high levels of various different types of radiation....

Plaquenil....has many "off label" or whatever they are called uses. Friend had Lupus...she was on it. Ernie was taking it to treat her psoriatic arthritis. Friends wife take it to help with her RA. Also works to slow the spread of pseudo gout.

Any drug can be lethal if not taken as prescribed. Like I said, I have been on it for at least 6 years now with no adverse side effects. The only side effect that I am concerned with is the visual one. I have spoken with multiple different Ophthalmologists since I have started taking it. The dose I am on, 400mg daily, is based on my weight.....have been told by all of them that the chance of me developing any sight issues is very slim....almost non-existent. Woman I am seeing now has only had one patient in close to 20 years develop a problem from it. When the woman was initially prescribed it she was morbidly obese. She had bypass surgery and lost over 200 pounds...and never had the dosage adjusted.