Nick's garage

Uncle Tony is by far the best, real world channel on YouTube.

Nick's is ok but unless you are rich as Donald Trump, a warehouse sized shop, with a row of shiney 100k dollar cars is just not real world for us poor people.

Uncle Tony on the other hand works out of a shed on $300. Junkyard refugee cars, with engines and hardware that everyone has. That is real world in my world and what I like to see. Uncle Tony makes me look like a red neck, so that means a lot to me, and why I'm a cult follower of uncle Tony.

Your uncle tony , takes too long to get to the subject , like he`s talking to morons or something , I lose interest cause he takes so long to get to a point , and usually not real interested in his topics . I`m all about performance , Never heard of Nick--
Your uncle aint so poor either, he`s got hordes of $$ in all the stuff he has , you dont have 426 hemi`s settin around , if u aint got some coin !! ----------