not to get too far of topic, but I seem to remember it was illegal to knowingly infect others with an STD without telling them you have if
I would imagine the same would apply here too

but I agree, it is pretty selfish of people to move from infected areas to non infected areas, because your not outrunning this virus, your simply spreading it
Yea I agree I thought the same thing about the STDs when I heard about it. They didn't come here to outrun it they came here to be "heard" at a LGBT rally now they are quarantined here and bitching because they cant go home freaking idoit. I'm so angry about it. I have been keeping close tabs on this since I first heard about it and it's insane how fast its spreading like 4 or 5 days ago it was at 33000 cases then two days later 69000 now 2 days later over 100,000! Because people are not taking it seriously and just going about their lives and being selfish because they dont care. Alot of ppl are going to die as a result of selfishness and stupidity and sadly enough it's not gonna be the stupid idiots that are gonna die! They will live on to spread their ignorant and useless seeds. And the innocent 70 year old man you love talking to at the local gas station or parts store will be gone. It infuriates me!