Hey Greg (Trailbeast) "you hate Thinkpads"

Some of my worst "times" was I caught the Magellan virus and didn't know it. It had to have come "from a friend" who gave me some floppies of stuff

Anyhow I kept having trouble. That thing gets into the lower levels of the hdd it does you no good to reformat the drive. And I wasn't smart enough to realize.......you put in a write protected floppy, you get an error it claims it can't read the floppy.

I finally "cured" it, I had bought a NOS Norton suite in a thrift store, in the W98 ish era. Put the virus protection on one computer and BLAM!!! Started catching old floppies that were infected.

I hated 3.x and pretty much went from DOS to W95. My first W95 was a free copy "upgrade." But I did not know the trick about creating 2 files to "fool" the upgrade, so for a long time kept a 3.x copy around to "upgrade" from. This of course was long before the www

In the era, mid 90's when I did the Motorola work, they were using NT in some of the dispatch computers. It was a big mystery. One time the company got a trouble call, and I had to do some follow up install work, so a tech and I went down to Davenport, WA to "fix" the thing. I think they had 3 consoles in dispatch. This is the 911 dispatch. The night shift dispatcher "got smart" and went in and reinstalled the games, and promptly locked up one of the consoles, THEN MOVED TO THE SECOND ONE and LOCKED IT UP. The county was AMAZED that we wanted to CHARGE them for that!!!!!