Convert 170 from breather tube to PCV system

My 61 Valiant still has the original breather tube system on the valve cover.
I’d like to change it over to a PCV system.
The base of the carb. has a vacuum port but I want to be sure making the change won’t have an adverse effect on the engine.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

I'll tell you what I did to my 64. It already had a PCV. The oil fill cap was also the crankcase vent from the factory. I put a one year later air filter with the tube for the crankcase hose that attaches to an oil fill cap that also has the hose. This oil fill cap is not vented to the atmosphere like the original one, but sealed except for the tube where the air cleaner hose connects. You could simply do the same by adding a PCV valve and the later air cleaner and oil fill cap like I did. @slantsixdan is very sharp on this stuff. He might have a better way.