Voluntarily........out of a job



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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I've been thinking over the last week and weekend. I work 3 days a week, I build electrical/ electronic components for power wheel chairs. Just got back from an early (fruitless lol) trip to the grocery, and called in, told them "if I still have a job, I'll be back when this mess is over." CEO sounded understanding. Our outfit is deemed "necessary" as we make medical devices
Lost of guys at my phone yard are coming to that conclusion. "Were risking lives by traveling between customers homes and then back to our shop and then home...for what? to fix someones fax line 2?" I think I already was exposed to it but fought it off like 70% of the population. Be safe.
All the banks and credit unions are closed except for the drive up's. I was 5th in line and grabbed the capsule to put in my charge card payment. I thought to myself, when was the last time this thing has been disinfected? All their business goes through 4 capsules. :wtf:
I'm likely as good a spot in the US as anyone to avoid this, N end of Idaho. But we are right next door to Spokamentro, and WA is a hot spot. Last weekend I saw a couple of the neighbors loading up their sleds, which means they are going out "with their buddies" to play. That, girls and boys, is where it all starts.
All the banks and credit unions are closed except for the drive up's. I was 5th in line and grabbed the capsule to put in my charge card payment. I thought to myself, when was the last time this thing has been disinfected? All their business goes through 4 capsules. :wtf:

And that is why I keep hand sanitizer in my car.
It's not the total answer, but it sure can't hurt.

Ever paid close attention to someone else's computer screen or keyboard?

Had a friends laptop here awhile back that I pulled out of the bag it was in and couldn't get it out of my hands fast enough.
It had splatter and slobber spots of about every color you could think of all over the outside of it as well as the screen and keyboard.
I couldn't touch it until it got wiped down with Clorox wipes and this was before the virus was a deal.
Flat out gave me the willies just to look at it.
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I've been thinking over the last week and weekend. I work 3 days a week, I build electrical/ electronic components for power wheel chairs. Just got back from an early (fruitless lol) trip to the grocery, and called in, told them "if I still have a job, I'll be back when this mess is over." CEO sounded understanding. Our outfit is deemed "necessary" as we make medical devices
Under the corona virus stimulus package you may be eligible for unemployment insurance!! Watch this video:

I'm semi-retired & do structured cable work for an oilfield supply outfit. Their IT director copped an attitude because I didn't want to replace an exterior phone bell that has been out of service for over a year. I told him, at my age & the fact that had pneumonia more than once that I was in the risk category & didn't wish to be around people who may or may not been exposed to the corona virus. That being said, my wife is diabetic & has minor heart problems that I could aggravate if I were exposed. His solution was get a mask & some gloves before going out there. I proceeded to ask him what cave or rock he was living in, or under. I guess I'll have to find another part time gig, now.
If you're an at risk employee I'm pretty sure you qualify for unemployment if you leave your job for your own safety (not to mention your families safety)!!!
I may be. They gave us a printed sheet last week, and it's "somewhat murky."
F it, if its not SAFE, you don't need to do it, and that includes showing up to a potentially infectious job site. If they fire you for that an unlawful termination and, that's an employment attorneys wet dream.
Probably a smart move, Del. After your tumble off the medical table and your associated injuries, you've not been up to you usual self. The last thing you need is this mess.
Yeh, and I still battle with that. I am having back problems which well could be related to THAT mess LOL Now if we can just get the wx to cooperate. It "snowed" however lightly today, and the high barely hit low 40's. Noon to late aft was high 30's LOL
I was laid off on Monday . Woohoo !
There was no customers coming in which means no sales.. which mean no commissions.

I was not looking forward to staring out the glass and making nothing !
Remodeling my kitchen this week .

Painting my car next 2 weeks .
I'm in Ohio,god bless gov DeWine for getting a jump on all this
Was off last week,but someone convinced my boss painting was an essential infrastructure, so back to work this week,
But we're practicing social distancing like crazy, like 20 feet, and I absolutely refuse to paint inside someone's house, I'll paint outside, but no inside work, haven't touched a doorknob in 3 weeks, hand sanitize like crazy, and pack my lunch

Something I've been trying to find out, but nobody will answer, for obvious reasons.....but will gasoline or paint thinner work as hand sanitizer?
I'm likely as good a spot in the US as anyone to avoid this, N end of Idaho. But we are right next door to Spokamentro, and WA is a hot spot. Last weekend I saw a couple of the neighbors loading up their sleds, which means they are going out "with their buddies" to play. That, girls and boys, is where it all starts.
I think they should read Governor Little's guidelines a little closer. The stay at home order does not provide an avenue for unessential travel/recreation.
These f'ers think we're on vacation and if they keep going about business as usual , it may be an extended vacation.
32 cases in Kootenai, 10 in Nez Perce and 1 in Latah County. Covid19 is here !
Doesnt seem like many people in Idaho are really taking it seriously . All the store except rsstaraunts and bars are open . People everywhere !
I don't think they know how to solve this issue but if the gov't kicked out 150 billion and now the sba bill for employers and workers. Thats a hell of a lot of $$$. So there is roughly 320 million people in the usa and we get only 1200$ and 500$ per kid. If they just gave everyone 1 million then thats only 320 million roughly. Test everyone and separate all who have it. Once they are over it then back to the population. We would be able to move on. Otherwise we are just dragging it out. Everyone would be more than happy to stay home with that much money. Can't even wipe your a$$ with 1200$. Where is all the rest of the money going? They could easily just give us all 1 million and laugh at it. Think of what the economy would look like when people started spending it.
Doesnt seem like many people in Idaho are really taking it seriously . All the store except rsstaraunts and bars are open . People everywhere !

They are not open up here, not many, anyhow. Like Spokane, some are offering call in/ take out/ drive up
To give 320 million people $1 million dollars each would cost 320 Trillion dollars. Giving each person $1 adds up to $320 million. I made that mistake in the past myself!!

It's a tough situation for sure. Shutting down most of the economy is killing what this country is all about. I don't have any answers... hopefully our leaders will.
So there is roughly 320 million people in the usa and we get only 1200$ and 500$ per kid. If they just gave everyone 1 million then thats only 320 million roughly.

run that by me again, giving 320.000.000 people $1.000.000,00 each, is only $320.000.000,00 ?
Bahaaaa. Yea that was some really bad math. I just times it. But they did have 2.2 trillion so they should be able to do better than 1200.
I'm in Ohio,god bless gov DeWine for getting a jump on all this
Was off last week,but someone convinced my boss painting was an essential infrastructure, so back to work this week,
But we're practicing social distancing like crazy, like 20 feet, and I absolutely refuse to paint inside someone's house, I'll paint outside, but no inside work, haven't touched a doorknob in 3 weeks, hand sanitize like crazy, and pack my lunch

Something I've been trying to find out, but nobody will answer, for obvious reasons.....but will gasoline or paint thinner work as hand sanitizer?
The simple answer is no. It needs to be a polar solvent, not a non-polar solvent. In other words, alcohol.

Either ethanol at 80% concentration or rubbing alcohol at 75% concentration. They both need to stay wet at least 3-5 mins. to work.

Simple soap at water works better and is effective with just 30 secs of washing.
I would encourage everyone to treat every person you come in contact with as thought they have the virus. A lot of the people out their do not have a lot of common sense and are just shrugging the pandemic off like they don't care about themselves or others. We have had to create a barrier of sorts to keep people from walking right up on us, I work for a local dealer at their retail parts counter, and while a lot of them understand some people get angry at us. We actually had an older guy that walked right on by it, and when asked to step back he started laughing at us. its off the chain down here in Georgia, people are not listening to the experts. I suspect the new cases and deaths are really going to ramp up in the next month. If you are a Christian I suggest praying for your families, friends, coworkers, and the country. God Bless you all and stay safe. Mike
That's one reason Georgia has a high number of positive tests and deaths. Partly, I suppose, because they think they are tough Southerners, lol.

When I have been shopping here in Rome it's eerily quiet. People are looking at each other like everyone is infected. It's weird.

I agree, now is the time to pray for healing of our land.
How about the Mega churches packing them in despite the warnings ? I also saw that Liberty University ordered all employees back to work and opened the school back up .
The Rapture may come sooner than they wanted it to for some of them !