How did nitrous get such a bad rep...?

  • It for sure can be done without blowing up a motor...
  • Guy here dropped from 12.3's to 10 flat on a shot
  • No doubt it works. Steroids work too... but if someone sets a record hitting home runs on the juice, does it count?
  • I think if you use it, you just got to use it. You just got to know some will love it, and others will says it's cheap - spray a civic into 10's - who cares. You have to accept you won't change their minds. I fit in this category - lots of things are fake and I think it's fake power. Genie in a bottle, empty bottle no genie :D
Ya but sometimes it beats a $8,500.00 pro charger or the plumbing issues with a turbo or twin turbo set ups.