Would like more amps...

Well I've kind of bailed on this more amp idea as when I read the scales on these high amp alternators they really don't make any more juice unless I'm doing like 4K RPMs... I need the amps down low when I'm at idle and want more fans on to keep the radiator circulated. Once the RPMs are up to a level that would actually benefit a higher amp alternator the cars already moving fast enough to not even need fans.. I did more research and found that the alternator that I have is a 65 amp. I shouldn't need to run a lot of stuff at low RPMs besides the fans anyways. I'm just going to continue through the summer the way it is and see if I have any overheating problems. I didn't see any last year but I'm a very Fairweather driver I've got to realize as well. If it's that hot out I probably don't even want to go out...