Voluntarily........out of a job

I drive 60 hours per week as my part time retirement job.

The last few weeks I haven't been able to get four days in...it's our slow season for another few weeks. Our big customers are Miller Brewing and dozens of cheese plants.

We've had a few cases of this virus around home home. One death.

Most if our customers don't let us in their buildings anymore...we sign our bills at the back of the trailer.

I'm not afraid...been thru the tail end of the small pox deal and the years of polio quaranteens.

In '55 I came down with a 106F fever....my Mom called the Doc then put me in a cold bath. Rescue Squad took me to the hospital. A few days later I got a gamma gobulin shot to boost my immune system. The Salk polio vaccine was new and in short supply. Many of us got that shot to save our lives. Polio was viscous to kids.

Today I do sanitize and wash my hands. My allergies are starting again so I have the sniffles and a scratchy throat every spring and fall.

This crazyness will pass...