Battery relocated in trunk.


Yes, the welding cable you can coil in a 12" circle easily, not so with 1/0 battery cable. It's a really nice alternative as it has many more strands than battery cable. Slightly smaller OD too.

The CD relay is a solid method. If it fails, always carry a jumper wire in the trunk. You can snap it on and be no worse than the NHRA minimum standard at that point. Knock on wood, I've not had a CD relay fail yet.

At the trunk, drop the ground straight down, through the floor/extension panel and weld a nut there too. I use a 3/8 nut, weld all sides and will drill a hole for the bolt to pass into the rail. You could use an existing hole if there is one in the area. If you have any electronics that are ground sensitive, pull a 10-12ga wire from there and go forward to a clean buss stud up front.
