I want to clarify my earlier post about arguing. I don't think we should have to argue over this, and I don't think we really are in most cases. We all know it is bad whether we think it is over reacted or not.

I just don't think that the way the numbers are being represented are a smart way to go about it.
Should they be so radical it scares people? Well, people should be scared, just not to the point of panic. Having said that, we can't just blow it off either. There are some scary stories out there. The one that I paid attention to was in Italy how a young, rather healthy otherwise, person started coughing up pink fluid into his ventilator and drowned in his own blood before they could react. The doctors were instantly, and rightfully so, scared. Is it common? I don't know. Is it even true? I don't know that either. But I can sure say that if it is, we better hope that strain is not going to make it here. And if it does or is, we better do everything we can to contain it. Because that isn't dying from underlying circumstances.

We can't treat it like the flu. Partly because it isn't the flu, but mostly because it will overwhelm us as has been the main focus since the beginning.
Too may people already ruined our chances of keeping the death rate lower. Hopefully we can still handle the upcoming cases without Doctors having to make some terrible / tough choices.

Arrogance and invincibility are two factors that played a huge part in the spread of this.

Just my opinion......