8.75 question

In my experience
once a pattern gets crossed up, I throw it away.
I used to work in a rebuild center, almost 6 years. For two of those I built rear ends. Our company bought up cores all over Canada. They came in and we had a guy who took them apart and sent them thru latge parts washers that cooked them clean. Them me and two other guys had the jobs of rebuilding them; which was just new bearings and fresh set-ups.
We only used ,used gears, cuz we had truckloads of then coming in all the time. And we never saw the cores when they arrived so we had no way of side-lining suspect gears.
Every once in a while I would get a gear-set that would just not pattern properly, so I would call the foreman over. And he would make the call.
Sometimes I would bias the pattern to the drive side, and leave the coast side be what it would be; it depended on the application; I was doing everything from pass-cars to semi-tractors and grain-trucks in between.And we had an army contract as well.
But most of the time a crossed up set went into the scrap heap.
I was under a lot of pressure to put out product, as we were doubling in size about every two years. During the time I was there we were in the fourth expansion.
So,there was no time to fool with patterns, just slam them out AJ, keep it moving.
Like I said we had truckloads of cores.
I got to reading patterns before bolting them in, as to how they had already run in the field, and when I recognized a bad pattern. I would call the foreman over for verification. After a while, I was very well paid, because not only did I perform, I avoided come-backs, which the business owner recognized as money in his pocket. I was not alone in this, my co-workers were doing the same thing, and we were a well-oiled machine.
Bottom line is, I had zero luck bringing crossed patterns to market.
I tried a few times in my personal vehicles.

My best advice is to pull the pinion bearing races out, and inspect the bores
I rarely use used gears and such...the one think is machined wrong is brand new along with bearings and races..but it wont tighten up in the case..so I threw the old gears back in which only have about 2500 miles on them and couldn't get the pattern correct no matter what I did...always in the toe side of the drive side...coast side is perfect...that's why I think maybe it's the case?? The old gears tighten up and it works...just noisey on the throttle cause the drive side pattern issue...