Need some help figuring this out

Okay first off I was a dummy and should have taken a picture of the board that another member did for all this before I swapped it over but I didn't. Okay so I have power going to the 87 pin on the ign relay but its not going anywhere else, the left side pin 86 is ground(same relay), 85 pin white wire goes to the other relays. The back 30 pin takes power to the first fuel pump relay to its 87 pin and down to another fuse inline one. Hope the pics help. Power is only going to the 8 fuse panel side by side since power goes directly to there from batt. But off the ign relay power is not going to anything else. Did I wire it wrong? I left the fuel pump #1 87 pin second pin open thinking to run the power to my #1 fuel pump, #2 pump comes on once the ms3x triggers it too

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