6lb pump blowing out carb?

Well, I just couldn't dam wait. There's enough crap in there to start a bull chip slingin' contest. lol Most of it was in the fuel, like when I dumped it out, into a pan. Tons of chunks of junk. Minor chunks of junk in the bowl spells stuck floats. The float was at the right level.

I guess I could just buy a bucket of filters, run it about 5 min and change it x 10 or something. I don't know how to get the rust out, didn't see any varnish, but that would be hard to see now. So anyway, I will think of ways to filter the line several times until the junk is out. That glass filter apparently doesn't stop chunks. Went right through it.

The issue is going to be whatever is in the tank, is going to keep flaking off. Most likely forever.

I used some stuff to seal and coat several dirt bike tanks to save them. It worked but it was a ton of work. I can’t imagine doing it to an automotive fuel tank, but I know guys do it.

Thats kind of your options...try and seal your tank, or buy a new one. Otherwise, you’ll fight this for a long time.