1971 Swinger Build \6-V8 Swap


I have been building Ole' Dutch/Dodge since 2017, and owned since late 2016. To date I have had very good progress in the build, reliability and torque is honestly the overall goal from this build. I am going to jump right in and hit the ground running. The good progress has been explained below with pictures to help go into better detail on what exactly went on in the 4 years of ownership.
Palm Springs purchase for 1800$ for OLE' Dutch/Dodge

1.READING!!! As much as I could on this FABO forum. Thankyou all BTW+ I will mention accounts.
2.SPRING/FALL FLINGS Swap Meet Auto shows+Sale Listing visits for hard parts aswell.
In roughly a year and half of parts collecting and aoveral move to the garage where work could be condoned it was time to TADA!