Covid 19 stats website.

I believe I already had it
In the last month or so a few of my friends have claimed this. Dating back as far as October 2019.
They claim they had terrible illness. Like wish they were dead. Nothing like it before.
I ask them how many people they infected, and mostly almost nobody. That alone is odd.
Having had that severe a case they all believe they have immunity. I tell them that they probably should not go out to test their idea, as critical cases leave your lungs fried. And they don't heal. I ask them if they can run around the block. Truthfully, if you can run down the driveway I think you would be doing good.
In the end, we will just have to wait and see.
Immunity doesn't always last forever. Of the very little the pros know, one thing they mostly agree on is that at least one mutation has occured.