puzzles are white hot now!

Money, or at lest the expectation of money, changes people. I have seen it so often it's sickening. My ex-wife's family was a perfect example, when her mother died of cancer, the vultures were at the door before she was even cold. The oldest daughter, who had not spoken to her mother in over 20 years was suddenly completely heartbroken at her passing. I call bullshit, the other two were no better, my then wife was the only one who wasn't looking for her share immediately, yet she was the only one who took the time to visit her mom every day, often twice a day for months before she died. My own family, much the same, my sister had not spoken with my father for 30 years, yet as soon as she heard he'd died, she was on a plane back home, looking for her share of his estate, oldest brother, who had power of attorney, had rarely talked to him in more than 20 years, was now crushed at the loss, and since I called him out for his asinine behavior, he will no longer have any contact with me, going on 5 years now, yet we used to be really close. The one most hurt by his ignorance is my mother, but he is too self righteous to care.