Happy Easter!

I hope everyone had a nice Easter Sunday. :) I'll share something that I always got a kick out of as a kid....at my Moms expense. She was born on Easter Sunday, in 1921. My grandparents changed the girl name they had picked for her because of the special day she was born. Well, only her middle name....which they changed to Easter. She hated her first name (Delma) so she preferred going by Easter growing up. In 1941, she married my Dad. She had always enjoyed her name, but she said she never gave it the first thought what her name would be when they got married. My Dads last name is West.....so she became Easter West! She used to get so perturbed when she would tell people her name.....and more times than not they would come back with, "Which way is it? East or West?" I learned the hard way to not crack up when someone popped that joke off at her....lol. R.I.P. Hal and Easter West.....you're baby boy is still kicking! :D