A body owners

During my weekly review of posts in this thread I went through the discussion around Dusters, Demons, and Scamps. As pointed out it would be technically correct to count Dusters as Valiants, Scamps as Valiants, and Demons as Darts. However, I've already split out Dusters and Scamps and I didn't split the early Barracudas off as Valiants. I don't think many of us refer to our cars by the full length name and the chart did need a review now that there's a fair amount of data to work with, besides Darts were kind of running away with the show. Demon, Swinger, and Dart Sport columns added, I think that covers the main versions but I could very quickly split off Formula S, GT and GTS if the desire is out there and maybe I missed something else...

For one body type it sure is complicated!

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Dang I'm the only one that has posted a 75 dart. My car must be rare lol:poke: