Dual quads versus big hammer!!!...

Plan is to pull the carbs off tomorrow and take out 80 Jets from secondaries and put in 78's in that I have..
My problems: first I'm not sure the air doors are opening all of the way or if they ever will??.. Again the transition feels good.. It feels strong and the plugs are okay... But the AF gauge says still a point or more to rich a wot...
A little hard to tell for sure with the track closed..
I know with the Edelbrocks they recommend going up and down the same jet sizes in the back as the front...
My Guru mind (BIG LOL..) tells me I shouldn't waist my time with the 78's and go straight to the 76's...
What to do....

If you have a go pro or similar, you could stick it to the windshield and take a video of the doors and their position.