W2 head installed valve spring height

So using your equations I come up with different answers.

[email protected]
[email protected]
186/.55 = 338 lbs.

[email protected]
[email protected]
221/.60 = 368 lbs.

Am I missing something?

No, you’re not missing anything.

I didn’t come up with the rate for those two springs...... that’s the rate that’s posted in the catalog.
So, as you can see...... “something” isn’t correct.
The load, the lift, the rate...... something.

If I tested them, then I’d know what they really were.

The main point being...... don’t count on the catalog being 100% accurate.
At best, the rate listed for those springs is way off.
But is that really the spec that’s off? Maybe one of the other parameters is wrong and the published rate is actually correct.

A few measurements on the spring tester would tell the story.