Which way do you guys think the old car/old truck/new vehicle markets

Lots of irons in the fire,college going strictly online has quadrupled the difficulty of stuff

Every study subject has a sevenish digit code for each class (now online board meetings with software called ‘zoom’)

some lessons got hacked, so new codes every time, each teacher puts their codes into a different place in the college webpages, 10 minutes wasted, a few times a day (Mon-Thurs),

The first computer I was using to login to school was blocked by the school after spring break, 2nd (remanufactured) blinked off my work several hours in-computer still on, running, just the software I was using edge and word blinked out,

Group projects with people whom are so supposed to be tech savvy too scared to communicate together, or pulltheir share or responsibilities

The daughter has an iPad? With codes for her science, reading, math, English/language classes-I still haven’t mastered the scan the black and white square bar code thing with my phone

Checking her work, keeping her working, cooking the meals, cleaning the house (so much more respect for mom and grandma)

Watching her play outside, then having to track her down safe

Satellite internet at this house so it’s good enough for three classes, but not enough for my math teacher whom demands to see me through out class-so twice a week I drive to my sisters house with my kid, get her quiet and listen to him or take tests, 4 chapters to read a week, a 70 year old aunt to check on, like you said @RustyRatRod , a few ahead.

We all got our own bag of rocks.