TP vs meat!

Last time we ay TP at a store was 5-6 weeks ago. Good thing we bought at Sams other month.

Other day, the Nat. news started their scary reports on meat! Yep the virus got some pork/beef/ chicken packing houses a week or two ago. Some shut down last week, more this week. No doubt the supply chain will be affected. Maybe meat has already been short, I havn't seen t but we rarely go to the store anymore.

Live cattle and fat cattle prices have been in a free fall before the stock market went nuts even. Same with corn / soybeans Board of Trade figures. Retail prices are up and the producer can't even afford to sell at such a loss. The packers hedged their business as they knew the virus would eventually hit them.
I just wonder when meat will be like TP!!!!
Amazing how we can not produce TP!!!!!!?????? lol
Screw it, the freezer is full, there is meat on the hoof and trees full of squirrels. But what will I wipe my *** with!!??????????????????????//

Did you happen to see the explanation of why the TP issue is the way it is?
Basics are more people need TP for the home because they are not taking dumps at work, restaurants the store, or other outside the home places.

And that commercial TP in places like work, restaurants, stores and so on have a severe backup/overstock from reduced sales due to people not using TP there.

There is two separate types of TP (home and other than home)
Two completely separate industries.
Home needs way more now and commercial has more than they can store.

They say they don't have packaging suitable for home sales, even if people opted to buy the cheap one layer commercial stuff.

A couple of weeks ago we stocked up on large meat things like roasts and cut them up into single dinner size sections and froze them.