Instrument Cluster Restoration Tips , 1967-72 A-body , 1970-76 A-body

Any tips on how to straighten the plastic instrument bezel? Mine are a bit wavy

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It doesn't look too bad really, especially the passenger side. If you are bound to do it yourself, remember that it took literally years of exposure to sunlight to get what you have now. I supppose you could try to re-warp it. Camp a piece of angle iron across the front and see if that will straighten it out without cracking anything. If it straightens it out, great. While it is straight and clamped, use a heat gun or a 1500 hair dryer to try to get the plastic to develop a new memory of its shape.

Back in the dawn of my beginning to restore old Mopars, there was a guy in San Antonio, TX who would restore and repair old plastic, especially stuff that appeared to have a metallic finish on it. What he would do is take yours in as a core and sell another to the customer. If you core was unacceptable, there would be a core charge on your bill, too. The last time I visited down there, he said he was getting out of that part of the business, He cited the difficulty in plating and he had lost the person who "washed" in the "wood" grain on the dash. Times and circumstances change. I noticed that they are advertising plastic repairs. I'm not sure if it is a return of his service or whether he is selling off restored cores from inventory. It's a small business, but they did first class work. Check out their web site. If you want a quicker answer than email give them a call.