A855 - 5 Speed

I once had an old guy, about 80 years old, tell me in very slow and simple language, "Sometimes in life, you take a thumpin'." Do you know what he said after that, the answer on how to get around it? Nothing.

Given the cast of characters who have tossed this problem around, the odds of them stepping up and 'owning' it are just about zero. No one likes to stand behind warranty issues...especially when they didn't take in the original money. It's simply easier and cheaper to let you be angry and screwed than it is to rectify the issue. Will the noise you make on the internet hurt them? Definitely. But bear in mind these guys are all sitting around barely scratching out a living, maxed out on talent, funds, and ability. The damage you'll do them sort of comes with the territory. It's like when a wino gets kicked in the head by a passing cop....the pain is real but it's part of the job description.

The last thing I would do is let any of the 'sellers' have possession of the gearbox to 'test' it or 'fix' it. You'll likely end up with no money AND no gearbox.