Can i use a LA timing chain set in a magnum engine?

If I remember correctly you are running a factory reground Cam and if if that’s true.... then that’s good news for @JoePole1 as he is going to run the same setup as you.

His concern is that he has an Eldelbrock 7803 double roller and all research that he and I found, is saying it will not work with a factory Cam.

From what I have researched on the Dakota and Jeep forums and on the aftermarket Cam websites... it is the 7803 is the only giving issues with the factory cams and not any aftermarket ones as the Cam Snouts are different.

I'm running a double roller set made for the 360 in my Magnum with the LA cover and no issue's with it at all.
Also running the slinger and the drip tab both.
It went together just like it was a 360LA.