Trick Flow small block heads

I will stick by what I said. It’s fine to disagree but your little sissy girl red X’s for everything you disagree with gets old. Just disagree, tell us why, and move on. Your way isn’t the only way. Pssss pssss.
I always tell why when I disagree! I disagree with you all the time but your Guru self are so full of yourself that you think you can never be wrong!.. I hate it when people disagree with me and don't say why! But I guarantee I'm right here not going anywhere and I'll tell you why I disagree with you. And first and foremost I just don't see you stepping up to my face and calling me that so I think it's real chickenshit for someone to say something like that via the Internet.. do you ever see me name-calling that's such a cowardly thing to do over the internet..