Thought I'd die but I'm still here

one night, after putting the kids to bed, im ready to turn in myself...but im also a bit thirsty
just not thirsty enough to pop open an entire can of pop and down it

so I open the fridge and look around, and wouldn't you know it?
there is a carton of orange juice, only 6 weeks past date and still about 1/3rd full
but come on, its orange juice, nothing but sugar, right?
so I take a sip and it tastes fine, and whats even better, its got pulp, I love pulp

so I finish it, and as is my custom, before tossing the carton in the recycling, I rinse it out
as im rinsing it, im kinda reading the carton
"100 % juice"
"California oranges"
"no pulp"
"no preservatives added"

hold on, back pulp?
that's no good

not sure what was floating in there, but it stayed down just fine

you know whats worse then finding a worm in your apple, right?
Lol omg haha thats terrible.